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Written in 1971, this brochure describes the history, goals, and curriculum of the Samuel L. Napier Intercommunal Youth Institute.  Named after assassinated party member Samuel Napier, the institute is described as a “direct response to the educational system,” which, the Panthers viewed as having failed poor Black youth. The brochure emphasizes the importance of education and critical thinking in order to contribute to and survive in society. Photos of children and teachers reading and making art are accompanied by captions that reflect the IYI ideology and practice, highlighting the failure of public schools and the need for mutual respect and support in education.

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The Samuel L. Napier Intercommunal Youth Institute: Intro

“Samuel L. Napier Intercommunal Youth Institute .” Samuel L. Napier Intercommunal Youth Institute. Oakland, Ca: Black Panther Party, 1971.:

The Samuel L. Napier Intercommunal Youth Institute: Text

Site Created For UC Berkeley's East Bay Revolution Course.

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